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Données de la Recherche

Scientific Data

Publié le 04 juin 2013 par Thérèse Hameau


Launching in Spring 2014, and open for submissions in Autumn 2013, Scientific Data is a new open-access, online-only publication for descriptions of scientifically valuable datasets, initially focusing on the life, biomedical and environmental science communities.

Scientific Data exists to help you publish, discover and reuse research data and is built around six key principles:

– Credit: Credit, through a citable publication, for depositing and sharing your data
– Reuse: Complete, curated and standardized descriptions enable the reuse of your data
– Quality: Rigorous community-based peer review
– Discovery: Find datasets relevant to your research
– Open: Promotes and endorses open science principles for the use, reuse and distribution of your data, and is available to all through a Creative Commons license
– Service: In-house curation, rapid peer-review and publication of your data descriptions

Aims and Scope

Researchers, funders, community standards initiatives and learned societies alike are calling for new ways to make scientific data more available, citable, discoverable, interpretable, reusable and reproducible. Broader release and reuse of scientific data require credit mechanisms that reward scientists for releasing their data and peer evaluation mechanisms that evaluate data quality and ensure alignment with community standards.

Scientific Data aims to meet these needs through the publication of Data Descriptors: peer-reviewed, scientific publications that provide detailed descriptions of experimental and observational datasets. Data Descriptors will be a combination of traditional scientific publication content and structured information curated in-house, and are designed to maximize reuse and enable searching, linking and data mining.

The research data described in Scientific Data will be hosted in one or more public, community-recognized repositories. Full release of the data will be verified as part of the peer-review process. Scientific Data aims to work with trusted community repositories to help promote data sharing and dissemination, and to progressively help promote community standards.

Communiqué de presse annonçant le lancement de Scientific Data | 4 Avril 2013

Scientific Data to complement and promote public data repositories | 23 juillet 2013

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