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Données de la Recherche


Executive summary «In addressing the remit assigned, the FAIR Data Expert Group chose to take a holistic and systemic approach…
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Executive summary «With the staff working document (SWD) on the EOSC at its very heart, this final report picks up…
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«The Enabling FAIR Data project has brought together a broad spectrum of Earth, space, and environmental science leaders to ensure…
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«Le 7 novembre 2018 sera officiellement lancée l'infrastructure européenne European Plate Observing System (EPOS), qui a pour but de mutualiser…
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«Résumé: Produire, exploiter, éditer, publier ou valoriser des données numériques fait partie du travail quotidien des chercheurs en sciences humaines…
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«Le data paper est une publication qui décrit un jeu de données scientifiques brutes, notamment à l’aide d’informations précises, appelées…
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Presentation given as part of the 2018 OpenAIRE-FOSTER Open Access week webinar series. The tutorial is aimed at librarians and…
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Abstract «Data management plans (DMPs) have increasingly been encouraged as a key component of institutional and funding body policy. Although…
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«Ouvrir à toute la communauté scientifique les données d'imagerie cérébrale de primates obtenues dans les laboratoires : c'est l'objectif de…
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«The EOSC-hub Magazine is a publication of the EOSC-hub project, edited to showcase major results and achievements of the project,…
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«The Open Data Institute (ODI) defines “open data” as “data anyone can access, use or share.” The ODI and Global…
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«Today the European Commission MERIL-2 project introduced a new Data Visualization tool that allows users to discover all of the…
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Abstract This mixed method study determined the essential tools and services required for research data management to aid academic researchers…
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«... One way for a publisher to overcome that barrier for individual journals is to establish data sharing policies that…
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«Résumé ... Notre étude Vers une culture de la donnéeen SHS souhaite contribuer à la mise en œuvre de l’écosystème…
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`The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) and FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure (FIZ Karlsruhe) today announced the…
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`1. Purpose of this Document ... The purpose of this document is to provide a concise analysis of where the…
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Abstract Digital research objects are packets of information that scientists can use to organize and store their data. There are…
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`The Research Data Alliance (RDA) currently hosts over 60 Interest Groups and more than 30 Working Groups consisting of experts…
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`Tutorials are intended to support researchers in research data management. We have looked at the services, materials, guidelines, self-study courses…
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Abstract The OpenMinTeD platform aims to bring full text Open Access scholarly content from a wide range of providers together…
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« A Global Open Data for Agriculture (GODAN) partner report `Open Access and Open Data at PUSH Universities`, was published…
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« Research integrity is the current discussion topic at many levels in the research sector. This week, the Council of…
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« New data mandates, open science advocacy, and replication of research results have focused attention on data management practices during…
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Joachim Schöpfel et Alexandre Serres répondent aux questions sur les données de la recherche dans un entretien mené par Hans…
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« Le réseau Portage vient de publier un livre blanc intitulé « la préservation des données de recherche au Canada…
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« Product Description The Swedish Research Council is responsible for supporting research infrastructures of national interest within all fields of…
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Abstract A number of publishers and funders, including PLOS, have recently adopted policies requiring researchers to share the data underlying…
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ABSTRACT Open science can be variously defined. In some communities it is related principally to open access to scientific publications,…
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« Introduction The Proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (the Proposal) contains a number of…
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« The Open Research Funders Group (ORFG) recently conducted a survey to better understand funder perspectives with respect to supporting…
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« Another key facet of RDM capacity acquisition is determining where that capacity will be sourced: will it be built…
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« This report builds on the exchange of experiences and mutual learning of 13 countries: Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia,…
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« Abstract This paper describes a novel search index for social and economic research data, one that enables users to…
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« The Research Data Curation Bibliography includes over 750 selected English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in…
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Contents 1 Overview of the research data infrastructure of the German Data Forum (RatSWD) 1.1 About the German Data Forum…
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Executive Summary ... The Global Young Academy (GYA), in collaboration with the Oxford-based organisation INASP, carried out a pilot survey…
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Merging open science and open innovation more closely and providing fresh momentum will be the focus of a new initiative…
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The ability to manipulate and understand data is increasingly critical to discovery and innovation. As a result, we see the…
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ELIXIR has today published a report that describes the use of public bioinformatics data by Small to Medium-sized Companies (SMEs)…
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One of the Jisc Research Data Champions, who is also a Research Data Champion at the University of Cambridge, Annemarie…
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Le guide “Ouverture des données de recherche. Guide d’analyse du cadre juridique en France” publié par un collectif de juristes…
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Silverchair Information Systems (Silverchair) announced today the release of a new Text and Data Mining Interface to the Silverchair Platform.…
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Abstract Describing, preserving, and providing access to data is now the purview of many science librarians, although the emphasis has…
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A report from Springer Nature published today reveals strong support for data sharing globally, yet identifies a number of common…
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Abstract The Data Science in Libraries Project is funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and led…
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In October 2017, ANDS, Nectar and RDS undertook a short survey to collect views amongst the research and research infrastructure…
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Abstract Mounting evidence indicates that worldwide, innovation systems are increasing unsustainable. Equally, concerns about inequities in the science and innovation…
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Keeping your research data freely available is crucial for open science — and your funding could depend on it. When…
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Abstract This collaborative paper looks at how libraries can engage with and offer leadership in the Open Science movement. It…
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The wealth of data encapsulated in scientific publications is a well-guarded secret. The recent discussions around Open Access are centered…
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Description The need to manage, analyze, and extract knowledge from data is pervasive across industry, government, and academia. Scientists, engineers,…
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Abstract Neuroimaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) involve complex data collection and analysis protocols, which necessitate the establishment…
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The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education has commissioned Oxford Research and Højbjerre Brauer Schultz to carry out a…
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FAIRsharing (anciennement BioSharing) est un portail Web donnant accès à trois répertoires interconnectés — normes et standards, bases de données…
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Le portail Data Inra offre de nouveaux services pour faciliter la gestion, le partage et la recherche des données de…
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Sixteen stories about the real-life benefits of Australian research data have been compiled into a new eBook published by the…
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Since 2015, the PLOS journals have maintained a list of repositories that we have determined to be suitable for authors…
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Summary: Major societal challenges such as health, climate change, energy, food availability, migration and peace depend on the contributions of…
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The Research Data Alliance (RDA) launched in 2013, and the Outputs of the RDA community are driving changes all over…
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En réponse à la politique de gestion des données de recherche (GDR) prévue des trois organismes subventionnaires, le Groupe de…
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Introduction How should Europe fund its lofty plans for an open science cloud? A far-reaching and multi-faceted undertaking, the European…
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... This report presents the results of the 2016-2017 survey. This third wave gathered 338 responses from universities and higher…
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Abstract Big data bring great opportunities for both understanding the complex world we live in and making our lives better…
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- Tuuli project: accelerating data management planning in Finnish research organisations Minna Ahokas, Mari Elisa Kuusniemi, Jari Friman - Building…
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Editorial As libraries and academic institutions evolve into “data-driven” organizations, they are looking for meaningful ways in which to convey…
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Résumé : Quels sont les types de données de recherche collectées, traitées et produites dans une université de lettres et…
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Abstract Objectives To explore the effectiveness of data sharing by randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in journals with a full data…
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Abstract SEAD – a project funded by the US National Science Foundation’s DataNet program – has spent the last five…
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Abstract Research Data Management (RDM) presents an unusual challenge for service providers in Higher Education. There is increased awareness of…
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The third volume of the ESFRI Scripta series is built on the outcomes of the ad hoc Working Group on…
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The UK’s excellence in research and innovation is in part built on an extensive, dynamic and highly interdisciplinary landscape of…
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Ce document a pour vocation d’accompagner les chercheurs et chargés de projets dans la rédaction de plans de gestion de…
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Abstract This study analyses legal barriers to data sharing in the context of the Open Research Data Pilot, which the…
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Le Cirad intègre le réseau international de plateformes de données scientifiques, Dataverse, coordonné par l’université de Harvard. Il devient ainsi…
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In response to the challenges faced by researchers, funders and institutions, we're [Springer-Nature] now offering research data services to help…
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Taylor & Francis and Code Ocean announce a new partnership that enables researchers to easily share and run code, making…
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Introduction To improve research data management (RDM), Research Funding Organisations and Research Performing Organisations increasingly require researchers to develop a…
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Over 100 researchers, engineers, educators, entrepreneurs and community organizers from 30 countries have published a report describing the steps for…
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Implementing Open Science: Strategies, Experiences and Models | 17 January 2018 This report proposes a National Roadmap for the Implementation…
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In Summer 2017, OpenAIRE and the FAIR data expert group ran a survey on the European Commission’s approach to Data…
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Editorial Biomedical informatics and data science: evolving fields with significant overlap ... The 8 papers in this JAMIA special issue…
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Abstract Objective Finding relevant datasets is important for promoting data reuse in the biomedical domain, but it is challenging given…
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- Attitudes and norms affecting scientists’ data reuse Curty RG, Crowston K, Specht A, Grant BW, Dalton ED (2017), PLoS…
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In this third report in the series, Incentives for Building University RDM Services, the authors explore the incentives that inspired…
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Research universities have developed in symbiosis with a robust set of commercial providers that serve their needs. From food service…
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The journal Data Science is an interdisciplinary journal that aims to publish novel and effective methods on using scientific data…
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This tour guide by CESSDA ERIC (the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives European Infrastructure Consortium) aims to put…
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Abstract eScience related library services at Princeton University started in response to the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) data management plan…
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Abstract Persistent identifiers (PID) have existed for more than 20 years and have become well established as a means for…
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MLE [Mutual Learning Exercise] on Open Science – Report on different types of Altmetrics Altmetrics data are mainly gathered from…
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Abstract `FAIRness` - the degree to which a digital resource is Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable - is aspirational, yet…
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The FAIR Data Principles are essential for libraries who want to foster and extend research data services. For libraries which…
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Strengthening the effectiveness and sustainability of international research infrastructures, No 48 Abstract Research infrastructures are long-term enterprises. They are increasingly…
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Abstract International research data networks are critical for progress in many scientific domains and underpin efforts to promote Open Science.…
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Abstract There is a large variety of repositories that are responsible for providing long term access to data that is…
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Les supports des interventions de ces cinq journées dédiées aux données de la recherche sont accessibles en ligne : -…
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he OPERAS consortium launches new surveys to gather more detailed information on the usage and needs regarding open scholarly communication,…
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On 23 November 2017 I [Marta Teperek] participated in the launch of the Austrian chapter of Research Data Alliance (RDA…
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A broad TDM Exception is important for everyone (not just researchers), would boost Europe’s economy and doesn’t mean that publishers…
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Changing the way science is done in Europe is the first job in setting up the European open science cloud,…
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In 2016 the Knowledge Exchange Research Data expert group identified a need for better understanding of the nature and consequences…
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Le 17 octobre 2017, le P.C.N. [Point de contact national] Infrastructures de Recherche a organisé à Paris (M.E.S.R.I.) une journée…
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Le 11 octobre 2017, le Conseil scientifique du CNRS a organisé, avec la Direction de l'information scientifique et technique (DIST),…
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... This study examined the research data (management) services in academic libraries in the United States through a content analysis…
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Abstract A pilot project worked with seven existing projects funded by the International Development Research Center of Canada (IDRC) to…
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Full-Length Papers Using Peer Review to Support Development of Community Resources for Research Data Management Heather Soyka, Amber Budden, Viv…
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Table of Contents Papers (Peer-reviewed) - Amplifying Data Curation Efforts to Improve the Quality of Life Science Data Mariam Alqasab,…
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Figshare's annual report, The State of Open Data 2017, looks at global attitudes towards open data. It includes survey results…
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This blog reports on the progress of the international project to benchmark Research Data Management training across institutions. How effective…
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Abstract This workshop was a one day meeting, gathering stakeholders from the research, technology transfer and innovation ecosystem, including academic…
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Text and data mining (TDM), the automated analysis of digital data searching for trends, correlations and patterns, is rapidly gaining…
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Re3data launched at the tail end of 2012 with the goal of registering all research data repositories. These research data…
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This report covers funder data-sharing policies/practices, and provides recommendations to funders and others as they consider their own policies. It…
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This guide provides advice on how to encode RIF-CS metadata records to describe datasets (collections), researchers and research groups (parties),…
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From September 6th– September 8th, over 200 people with an interest in open science came together in Athens for the…
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Abstract This paper details how the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Community for Data Integration (CDI) Data Management Working Group developed…
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Welcome to the UK Data Service Annual Report which covers the period April 2016 to March 2017 and highlights the…
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The University Library has created a new LibGuide on Text & Data Mining (TDM) in the growing number of guides…
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Abstract Objective: To support the assessment and improvement of research data management (RDM) practices to increase its reliability, this paper…
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Abstract Sharing scientific data with the objective of making it discoverable, accessible, reusable, and interoperable requires work and presents challenges…
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On 6 September 2017 members of the Science|Business Network’s cloud consultation group met to discuss the governance of the EOSC.…
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Digital Scholarship has released Version 8 of the Research Data Curation Bibliography ( This selective bibliography includes over 680 English-language…
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John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (NYSE:JWa) (NYSE:JWb), today announced the launch of new data sharing and citation policies that will…
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Présentation On assiste actuellement à la multiplication des données numériques provenant de diverses sources : les administrations mettent en ligne…
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The Realities of Research Data Management is a four-part series that explores how research universities are addressing the challenge of…
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[sommaire] [rouge]UNION EUROPÉENNE - COMMISSION et PARLEMENT [/rouge] **Open letter to the members of the Legal Affairs Committee in the…
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... 2.1 Introduction The legal landscape around TDM is more complicated than TDM practitioners may realise. In fact, there are…
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Le nouveau site a été officiellement lancé en août 2017. Accessible en version «démo» depuis quelques semaines, il est…
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There is currently little incentive for researchers to share their data. But what if it was enough for journals to…
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Abstract Researchers are increasingly required to make research data publicly available in data repositories. Although several organisations propose criteria to…
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Résumé : La dimension juridique n'est pas forcément celle à laquelle on songe en premier lorsque l'on envisage les «enjeux…
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We at ContentMine are a non-profit NGO from Cambridge UK, who are practitioners on the forefront of text data mining…
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Satellite Meeting: Library Theory and Research Section joint with Preservation and Conservation Section and Information Technology Section PETERS, Wayne Library…
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Abstract With the increased interest in computational sciences, machine learning (ML), pattern recognition (PR) and big data, governmental agencies, academia…
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Abstract In this paper we present a draft vocabulary for making “persistence statements.” These are simple tools for pragmatically addressing…
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Un rapport a été publié par le Groupe de travail sur le développement des collections du Groupe d’experts sur la…
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Sometimes the best way to find a solution is to just get the different stakeholders talking to each other –…
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Abstract Within the statistics community, a number of guiding principles for sharing data have emerged; however, these principles are not…
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An article authored by UCLA IS Professor Christine Borgman and her team at the Center for Knowledge Infrastructures has been…
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Présentation On assiste actuellement à la multiplication des données numériques provenant de diverses sources : les administrations [...]. Loin d’être…
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Development and Access to Information (DA2I) is the first of a series of annual reports that will monitor the progress…
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Abstract A cross-disciplinary examination of the user behaviours involved in seeking and evaluating data is surprisingly absent from the research…
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This report examines how the University Libraries at Virginia Tech have supported text and data mining in the past, and…
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Abstract Exemplified on the information system PANGAEA, we describe the application of terminologies for archiving and publishing environmental science data.…
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Editorial Data and information management are key components of enabling a knowledge-sharing environment in the development sector. Improved physical and…
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La future directive européenne sur le droit d’auteur contiendra des dispositions en faveur du text and data mining (exploration de…
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Any fish can tell you: It’s important to know the waters you’re swimming in. To that end, Usability Researcher Derek…
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A guide to managing digital media for anyone using it as an integral part of carrying out research. Introduction Digital…
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Dave Carr, one of Wellcome’s Open Research team, explains the thinking behind our new policy on managing and sharing research…
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Abstract Across academia and industry, text mining has become a popular strategy for keeping up with the rapid growth of…
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... Open science begins with open access The increasing importance of data and the need for more complex data analytical…
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Twelve conceptual designs for large-scale research infrastructures have been evaluated in detail and comparatively assessed by a mandated committee of…
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Abstract This paper explores the characteristics of DataCite to determine its possibilities and potential as a new bibliometric data source…
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Extraits de la plaquette du séminaire | 20 mars 2017 - INRA Paris Ce séminaire d’information et d’échange s’adresse aux…
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Antibodies are one of the most commonly used research reagents. However, due to their innate variability, finding the right antibody…
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A research team led by scientists at UC San Francisco has developed a computational method to systematically probe massive amounts…
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New services, APIs, enhanced functions, and even websites can be hard to grasp. At DataCite we understand how difficult it…
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During the past six months, OpenMinTeD has published twelve short movies of text and data miners telling their stories. They…
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Dryad and DANS (Data Archiving and Networked Services) announce a new collaboration to ensure long-term preservation and accessibility to curated…
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Abstract The advance of networking and computing technologies offers unprecedented opportunities for the implementation of principles and practices of open…
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About The Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) is a developer friendly journal for research software packages. What exactly do…
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The current framework for governing the management and use of data cannot keep pace with technological advances, according to a…
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... Cette fiche CoopIST décrit les principes de mesure d'impact des données de la recherche. Elle fournit des exemples d'indicateurs…
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NeIC stands for Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration. NeIC conference 2017 took place in Umeå between May 28 and June 1. It…
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World-leading research institutes have agreed to join forces with funding agencies and policymakers to create the European Open Science Cloud,…
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FAIR stands for ‘Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable’. The FAIR Data principles act as an international guideline for high quality…
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Introduction 32.This report is intended to inform the work of the Open Research Data Task Force, which has been established…
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Abstract The 2013 Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Memo on federally-funded research directed agencies with research and development…
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The Open Science Platform (ICM, University of Warsaw) has recently published a report „Towards Open Research Data in Poland”, by…
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Table of Contents - Éditorial du 1er atelier Valorisation et Analyse des Données de la Recherche à INFORSID 2017 1-2…
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The summit will be Europe’s moment of commitment to the EOSC and it will generate a number of concrete EOSC…
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Description ... This book presents the proceedings of Elpub 2017, the 21st edition of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing,…
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Abstract Data has become more and more ubiquitous in the research context. As a result, a growing number of services…
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Abstract Open data is a vital pillar of open science and a key enabler for reproducibility, data reuse, and novel…
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Résumé : Le projet D4Humanities s'inscrit dans le champ des Humanités numériques – comment permettre l'exploration des données de la…
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Providing an analysis of Open Data and Open Science policies across Europe, today we are releasing a new report. Produced…
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This blog post is part of our Global Open Data Index blog series. It is a call to recalibrate our…
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The Expert Group on Altmetrics outlines in this report how to advance a next-generation metrics in the context of Open…
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L'évaluation de l'impact socio-économique d'une infrastructure de recherche est un sujet qui préoccupe les pouvoirs publics qui financent projets, jouvences…
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The high level expert group of Research, Innovation and Science Policy Experts (RISE) today presented its report 'Europe’s future: Open…
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... In two volumes—Practical Strategies for Your Digital Repository and A Handbook of Current Practice—Curating Research Data presents those tasked…
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The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has released Data Curation, SPEC Kit 354, an exploration of the infrastructure that ARL…
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Since its inception, PLOS has encouraged data sharing; our original data policy (2003 – March 2014) required authors to share…
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Introduction ... Projects taking part in the Open Research Data Pilot are obliged to deposit the research data, preferably in…
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Abstract ... In our institute, the French National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture, Irstea, the…
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Figshare, an online digital repository for academic research, today launched a new tool that enables authors to share their research…
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Institutions that house and support research programs are uniquely positioned to advance the open sharing of data. Research managers at…
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FutureTDM recently met with Taiwan based NARLabs, a non-profit institute combining a number of national laboratories working on key technologies.…
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The Open Data report is a result of a year-long, co-conducted study between Elsevier and the Centre for Science and…
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As we are in an age of “data deluge”, private and public institutions and research communities need to tackle the…
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The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) has produced a new document titled `Evaluation of e-Infrastructures and the development of related Key…
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With the pace at which the Open Data and Open Science landscape is evolving, keeping informed of the many policy…
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First in a four-part series focuses on decision-making in planning, developing and deploying institutional RDM services A new OCLC Research…
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... The report, Open Data: The Researcher Perspective, is the result of a year-long, co-conducted study between Elsevier, the information…
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Billet du blog du CCSD Sciences Po ainsi que le CCSD mènent, comme la plupart des institutions scientifiques aujourd’hui, un…
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«Data Sharing, Archiving and Discovery: Tips and Tools», séminaire co-organisé, le 8 Mars 2017, à Montpellier, par le Centre d’Ecologie…
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Abstract Research data is central to research; sharing and enabling access to research data are now seen as essential to…
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Springer Nature is giving a boost to researchers with the launch of its new Springer Nature SciGraph. The new Linked…
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Gestion et partage des données scientifiques / Services, outils et bonnes pratiques recommandés par l’INRA - Publier un Data Paper…
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The Recommendation from the RDA/WDS Publishing Data Workflows Working Group provides an analysis of existing and emerging workflows and standards…
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Abstract Research data is an essential part of the scholarly record, and management of research data is increasingly seen as…
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Résumé 1. La loi n° 2016-1321 du 7 octobre 2016 pour une République numérique(LRN), entrée en vigueur le 9 octobre…
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La révolution numérique permet de revisiter le processus de production et de diffusion des données et publications scientifiques, dont le…
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Sixteen stories about the real-life benefits of Australian research data have been compiled into a new eBook published by the…
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... En 2015-2016, l’Association des bibliothèques de recherche (ABRC) a publié le livre blanc intitulé « Universités canadiennes et édition…
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Digital Scholarship has released Version 7 of the Research Data Curation Bibliography. This selective bibliography includes over 620 English-language articles,…
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In the latter half of 2016, the Research Data Shared Service project commissioned a series of focus groups with the…
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... In September 2016, COAR launched a Research Data Management (RDM) Interest Group to help the repository community expand their…
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Abstract The internet era, large-scale computing and storage resources, mobile devices, social media, and their high uptake among different groups…
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... Le nouveau guide “Ouverture des données de recherche. Guide d’analyse du cadre juridique en France” publié par un collectif…
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Résumé ... Le « data paper », ou article sur des données, décrit des données scientifiques et propose un lien…
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Preservica today announced its digital preservation platform has been selected to be part of the framework for the pilot phase…
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Figshare, an online digital repository for academic research, today announced a new partnership with Springer Nature to support BioMed Central…
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L’ADBU publie, avec le soutien du Ministère de l’Education Nationale de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (MENESR), une étude…
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Préface Livre blanc, approches contemporaines en hébergement et gestion de données, une parution de plus sur l’hébergement des données, ses…
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Résumé : Avec la mise en place de grandes infrastructures de recherche en sciences du patrimoine comme E-RIHS, on rassemble…
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Are research institutions engaging their researchers with Research Data Management (RDM)? And if so, how are they doing it? In…
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... The RDSS [Research data shared service] will allow researchers to deposit data for publication, discovery, safe storage, long term…
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More than 600 journals across Nature Research, Springer, BioMed Central and Palgrave Macmillan have committed to encouraging good practice in…
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Le service Science et Technologie de l’Ambassade de France au Royaume-Uni met en ligne un dossier La révolution de la…
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Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, today announced that it has implemented the…
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Following the KE [Knowledge Exchange] workshop in February 2016 and the resulting workshop report 'Training for Research Data Management: Comparative…
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Two press releases - Jisc Collections and Elsevier Sign Landmark UK Agreement, Securing Access to Research Publications and Initiating Open…
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Executive summary Interoperability standards enable the operational processes underlying exchange and sharing of information between different systems to ensure all…
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23 Things is a recognised training concept that supports flexible, self-paced learning. In 2015, a version of the program called…
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The CODATA-RDA Legal Interoperability Interest Group has studied the issues related to the intellectual property of data: the resulting outcome…
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The scholarly communications sector has built and adopted a series of open identifier and metadata infrastructure systems to great success.…
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Today [25th October 2016], Figshare released the results of its global survey of 2,000 researchers in a report that assesses…
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A new report from NordForsk presents the status of open access to research data in the Nordic countries, the EU…
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The world's technological per-capita capacity to store information has roughly doubled every 40 months since the 1980s. As a result,…
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11 October 2016 - The Commission has published today the first report of the Commission High Level Expert Group on…
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RDA & CODATA join forces to guide research stakeholders in the land of intellectual property providing them with a set…
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Alors qu’on assiste à une explosion du volume des données produites par la recherche, la question de leur archivage est…
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La gestion de ces données de la recherche devient une question centrale pour tous les professionnels de l'IST travaillant dans…
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Abstract ... In this paper we review the activities of the European-funded FOSTER project which organized and supported a wide…
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Abstract ... We highlight the need to support research communities in organically engaging with the European Open Science Cloud through…
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Abstract Understanding the earth as a system requires integrating many forms of data from multiple fields. Builders and funders of…
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... What do we mean by “big data”? ... Here, we briefly describe the key challenges that result from making…
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Abstract A fundamental constituent of a biodiversity observation network is the technological infrastructure that underpins it. The European Biodiversity Network…
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In December 2015 the European Commission launched a targeted consultation on the long-term sustainability of pan-European Research Infrastructures. The purpose…
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The European Commission adopted on 19 April 2016 the communication “European Cloud Initiative – Building a competitive data and knowledge…
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... The Research Data Curation Bibliography covers topics such as research data creation, acquisition, metadata, repositories, provenance, management, policies, support…
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À l’occasion des débats qui ont accompagné le parcours parlementaire de la « loi pour la République numérique », certains…
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The Genomic Data Commons (GDC), a unified data system that promotes sharing of genomic and clinical data between researchers, launched…
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L'appel à proposition d’enquêtes qualitatives pour la plateforme beQuali est ouvert jusqu'au 18 septembre 2016 L’ouverture des données de la…
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... L’adoption d’un cadre juridique sûr encadrant le développement de la fouille de textes et de données est un préalable…
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The Lisbon Council launches Text and Data Mining for Research and Innovation: What Europe Must Do Next, an interactive policy…
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Knowledge Exchange and Science Europe both defined activities to explore how RDM/RDI are, or can be, funded. Independently they each…
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1. Introduction and key findings 1.1. In today’s changing research environment, there is a need for researchers at all stages…
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Le portail Dat@OSU a été ouvert le 26 avril 2016. Ce portail est dédié à la valorisation des données de…
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Primary Research Group has published the International Survey of Academic & Research Library Data Curation Practices, 2016-17 Edition, ISBN 978-157440-387-9…
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... The present Roadmap was developed by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science as a strategic delineation of…
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Description Advanced computing capabilities are used to tackle a rapidly growing range of challenging science and engineering problems, many of…
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For the past months, OFE [OpenForum Europe] has been involved in an intensive research process regarding the various arguments and…
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Abstract Research data publishing is intended as the release of research data to make it possible for practitioners to (re)use…
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This briefing paper presents the current state of open research data across academic disciplines. It describes disciplinary characteristics inhibiting a…
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Research data management is important for institutions as well as researchers. Funders now ask that data underpinning published results, and…
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Présentation A l’heure où le projet de loi « pour une République numérique » propose l’insertion dans le Code de…
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Introduction Many public funders require that grant recipients make data publically accessible, which makes good sense: research data is a…
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Le 8e avis du comité consultatif commun d’éthique Inra-Cirad traite des enjeux éthiques et déontologiques du partage et de la…
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Our portfolio company Figshare, has launched Collections, which offers the research community, including publishers and funders, a “Pinterest” for academic…
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Abstract Open biological data are distributed over many resources making them challenging to integrate, to update and to disseminate quickly.…
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Abstract There is a strong need for a comprehensive, coherent, and consistent data policy in Europe to increase interoperability of…
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Executive summary Without software, modern research would not be possible. Understandably, people tend to marvel at results rather than the…
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Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, and ICPSR, a leader in providing curated…
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Executive Summary Introduction The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), located on the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton, UK, manages public life…
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Cambridge University hosted an information session for staff with representatives from Wellcome Trust and Cancer Research UK (CRUK) to discuss…
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The International Union of Crystallography is delighted to announce the launch of a new open-access data publication, IUCrData. This innovative…
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SEANOE ( est une nouvelle solution de publication des données environnementales scientifiques marines créée par le SISMER, le centre de…
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Introduction This guide provides an introduction to engaging with research data management processes. It will be of interest to university…
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Abstract: Data management underpins current and future research, funder mandates, open access initiatives, researcher reputations and institutional rankings. While it…
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Executive Summary Large-scale research facilities are crucial for the development of science in many fields of research. They provide new…
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Summary (excerpts of the report) Recent reports in both the general and scientific media show there is increasing concern within…
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Preface Four major organisations representing global science, the International Council for Science (ICSU), the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), The World Academy…
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La communication « La préservation à long terme des données de la recherche en Sciences Humaines et Sociales » a…
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Executive Summary Introduction This report provides an overview of the Austria-wide survey for research data, which was carried out within…
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The data policy landscape The policy position on data management in the UK is driven on many levels. Many institutions…
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20 October 2015, London, United Kingdom - This meeting is being organised by two RSC Interest Groups, the Automation and…
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BeQuali accroît son catalogue en ligne d'enquêtes. Cet appel s'adresse aux chercheurs, aux professionnels de l'information scientifique et technique et…
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Le centre de données marines SISMER (Service des Systèmes d'Informations Scientifiques pour la MER) invite à découvrir SEANOE, une solution…
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Springer Nature will collaborate with ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) to enable authors and editors to apply their digital…
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Since ORCID’s inception, our key goal has been to unambiguously identify researchers and provide tools to automate the connection between…
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Abstract (excerpts) This European Implementation Assessment aims to provide briefing for the Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) ahead of the…
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Research Data Journal for the Humanities and Social Sciences (RDJ) is a peer reviewed e-only open access journal, which is…
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Focus and Scope The Journal of Open Humanities Data (JOHD) features peer reviewed publications describing humanities data or techniques with…
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Introduction and background Knowledge Exchange is a collaboration between five national organisations, DFG – the German research Foundation, Jisc –…
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Le 15 septembre 2015, le M.E.N.E.S.R. et le Point de Contact National (P.C.N.) Infrastructures de Recherche, ont organisé à Paris…
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (excerpts) Open science commonly refers to efforts to make the output of publicly funded research more widely accessible…
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Extraits du résumé L’Université de Lille 3 a réalisé une étude sur les pratiques, besoins et attentes en matière de…
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Editorial : Mapping the Landscape of Research Data: How JLSC Contributors View this Rapidly Emerging Terrain by Gail Clement and…
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Abstract The incorporation of data sharing into the research lifecycle is an important part of modern scholarly debate. In this…
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Résumé : Notre proposition est de valoriser le cœur même de l’enseignement et de la recherche universitaire et de construire…
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In this issue, University of Oxford researchers Susan Bull and Michael Parker serve as special editors of five studies they…
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The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has launched a new Primer Series on information management technology issues with the publication…
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Enquiries into Intellectual Property's Economic Impact | Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development - OECD Report Investment and growth in…
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Abstract (excerpt) Earth observations (EO) represent a growing and valuable resource for many scientific, research and practical applications carried out…
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An overview of practical, free, online resources and tools that you can begin using today to incorporate research data management…
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English version of the report “Open Science in Poland 2014. A Diagnosis”, prepared by the Open Science Platform team. The…
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Executive Summary This memo responds to the request by the Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation (DeIC), in partnership with Denmark’s Electronic Research…
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We’re excited to announce today the launch the next generation of our research data management platform, Figshare for Institutions, developed…
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Abstract Objective This study informs efforts to improve the discoverability of and access to biomedical datasets by providing a preliminary…
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The Expert Advisory Group on Data Access (EAGDA) was established in 2012 by the Wellcome Trust, Cancer Research UK, the…
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This guide will help you to track and measure the impact of research data, whether your own or that of…
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In line with our updated Data Policy, we are pleased to announce a PLOS Data Repository Recommendation Guide. To support…
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The RECODE project identified two overarching issues that are inhibiting take-up of policies related to open access to research data:…
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The rapid evolution of big data technology in the past few years has changed forever the pursuit of scientific exploration…
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[fuchia]Executive summary[/fuchia] [bleu]Introduction[/bleu] In May 2014, Jisc and ARMA commissioned eight HEI ORCID Pilot projects to support the broader use…
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Ce nouveau portail propose un accès rapide aux données vidéo et photo acquises au cours des plongées des engins sous-marins…
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This guide suggests approaches to research data management (RDM) that will enable universities to meet the requirements of the Engineering…
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Research data is recognised as being central to research and disseminating, sharing and enabling access to research data are all…
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Researchers around the world can compare notes on one of the most powerful tools available for imaging human brain function,…
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... Introduction How can organisations working in a variety of different domains more cost-effectively look after and account for the…
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On the occasion of the Research Data Alliance’s Fifth Plenary Meeting, we are pleased to report progress in the consolidation…
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Summary The Swedish Research Council has been tasked by the Government to produce national guidelines for open access to scientific…
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The journal aims to promote and communicate advances in big data research by providing a fast and high quality forum…
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RECODE ( -an FP-7 project funded by the European Union- has leveraged existing networks, communities and projects to address challenges…
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In 2010 the Panton Principles for Open Data in Science were published. These principles were founded upon the idea that…
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[rouge]Editorial Policies[/rouge] [rouge]Focus and Scope[/rouge] JDMDH publishes relevant data analysis with human-produced dataset. The publication is as precise and comprehensive…
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Editorial What is data literacy? Why is data literacy important? Data literacy is “the ability to read, create, and communicate…
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Sharing and long-term preservation of research data are increasingly important to the research process, strengthening the process of science and…
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Scientific Data Sharing and Re-use - Introduction to the Special Theme by Costantino Thanos and Andreas Rauber Research data are…
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Executive Summary This study analyses the relevance, efficiency and effectiveness of the Research Infrastructures (RI) component of the Seventh Framework…
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Big Data analytics is a rapidly growing field that promises to change, perhaps dramatically, the delivery of services in sectors…
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Le Conseil a adopté les conclusions suivantes: ... 9. Tout en RECONNAISSANT que les États membres déploient énormément d'efforts pour…
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Extrait du communiqué de presse L'Ifremer se dote d'un nouveau portail grand public dont l'objectif est de faciliter l’accès aux…
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Le CERN a lancé aujourd’hui son Portail des données ouvertes (Open Data Portal), où des données issues de véritables collisions…
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In August 2012 – the Registry of Research Data Repositories went online with 23 entries. Two years later the…
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Excerpt of Editorial « In this special issue of Learned Publishing, we have tried to provide a collection of papers…
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Press release - September 17, 2014 The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of a special themed issue…
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Le service traduction de l'Inist-Cnrs a traduit les deux guides publiés par la Commission européenne pour aider les porteurs de…
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The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals,…
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La gestion de ces données de la recherche devient une question centrale pour tous les professionnels de l'IST travaillant dans…
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Please review and comment on a new case statement : Biosharing Registry: Connecting data policies, standards, databases in life sciences…
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Today marks the launch of a fully searchable open access database of human genome variants. The data accompanies Data Reports…
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Specific challenge: TDM is the process of deriving information from machine-read material and is an essential feature in open science…
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Extrait du résumé ... Dans le cadre de la mise en place d'une infrastructure pour les Sciences Humaines et Sociales…
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Le CIRAD vient de mettre en ligne un dossier portant sur la gestion des données de la recherche. Il comporte…
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... To further encourage libraries in continuing this process, LIBER’s Steering Committee on Scholarly Communication and Research Infrastructures has collected…
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Press release of ALLEA (05-06-2014) ALLEA in cooperation with the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), the German Federal…
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Executive Summary (excerpts) Mandate The objective of this study is to gain a better understanding of researchers in Norway’s current…
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Principles created by a Datacitation Synthesis Group Preamble Sound, reproducible scholarship rests upon a foundation of robust, accessible data. For…
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Digital Scholarship has released Version 4 of the Research Data Curation Bibliography. This selective bibliography includes over 320 English-language articles…
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Open access publication Scientific Data has launched online today, publishing its first eight Data Descriptors across fields including neuroscience, ecology…
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Excerpts of Conclusion and Summary The purpose of this Study was to describe how data analysis fits within the present…
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Articles Enhanced Publications: Data Models and Information Systems Alessia Bardi, Paolo Manghi Bringing Digital Science Deep Inside the Scientific Article:…
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Extraits de l'article La France fait encore partie – mais pour combien de temps, vu les orientations budgétaires adoptées ?…
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Report published – Independent Expert Group on Text and Data Mining | 04 April 2014 A group of independent experts…
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Le 25 mars 2014, le M.E.S.R. et le Point de Contact National (P.C.N.) Infrastructures de Recherche, ont organisé à Paris…
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Executive summary ... Although a number of studies have looked at methods for determining cost-benefit and broad indicators of value…
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Abstract An increasing number of publishers and funding agencies require public data archiving (PDA) in open-access databases. PDA has obvious…
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Databib and “ – Registry of Research Data Repositories” are pleased to announce their plan to merge their two projects…
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This report examines the potential of shared, large-scale scientific facilities to contribute to innovation above and beyond their immediate scientific…
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.... Résumé en français : Le mouvement du libre-accès aux publications scientifiques s’élargit de plus en plus aux données de…
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The Journal of Open Psychology Data (JOPD) features peer reviewed data papers describing psychology datasets with high reuse potential. Data…
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Les vidéos de la conférence-débat, organisée, le mardi 18 février 2014, par Serge Abiteboul et Patrick Flandrin, Membres de l’Académie…
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This special issue highlights research conducted through US National Science Foundation's MacroSystems Biology program. Excerpts of NSF Press Release :…
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Journal publishing moves another step forward today with the announcement of a partnership between academic publishers Taylor & Francis and…
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Editorial Laurence Lannom Corporation for National Research Initiatives The January/February issue of D-Lib Magazine is largely devoted to the Research…
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Safe to be Open: Study on the protection of research data and recommendation for access and usage | Guibault, Lucie;…
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Le n° 73 d’Arabesques, la revue de l’Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement supérieur (Abes), est consacré à la valorisation des données…
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Starting the Conversation: University-wide Research Data Management Policy is a call for action that summarizes the benefits of systemic data…
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UCL and Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, today announced they will establish…
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Researchers need infrastructures that ensure a maximum of accessibility, stability and reliability in terms of working with and sharing data.…
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The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) has published Research Data Management: Principles, Practices, and Prospects. The report examines…
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November 12, 2013 National Science Foundation (NSF) officials today are spotlighting the development and implementation of novel, multi-stakeholder partnerships that…
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Executive summary In the information economy, the ability to handle and analyse data is essential for the UK’s competitive advantage…
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The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading source of intelligent information for businesses and professionals,…
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Qu’est-ce qu’une donnée ? En introduction à son propos, Francis André a proposé de définir ainsi ce que sont les…
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One year after launching the ORCID Registry, we are excited to be releasing our first Public Data File. This file…
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The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) announces the publication of the Fall 2013 issue of Information Standards Quarterly (ISQ) with…
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... In the Communication 'Towards better access to scientific information', the Commission announces that it will 'provide a framework and…
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Abstract A NSF-sponsored cloud user survey was conducted by XSEDE to better understand how cloud is used across a wide…
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The Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) and the associated Pensoft Writing Tool (PWT), launched on 16th of September 2013, offer several…
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Focus and Scope Biodiversity Data Journal (BDJ) is a community peer-reviewed, open-access, comprehensive online platform, designed to accelerate publishing, dissemination…
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Executive Summary Traditionally, scientific findings have been shared by means of publication and citation, in which papers are published, read,…
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figshare today announces the launch of ‘figshare for Institutions’ - a simple and cost-effective software solution for academic and higher…
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The Journal of Open Archaeology Data (JOAD) features peer reviewed data papers describing archaeology datasets with high reuse potential. We…
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The Geoscience Data Journal provides an open access platform where scientific data can be formally published, in a way that…
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Abstract Sharing data is increasingly considered to be an important part of the scientific process. Making your data publicly available…
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13 August 2013 The volume of scholarly and scientific research data available is projected to grow by a factor of…
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1 August 2013 Europe PMC is pleased to offer researchers the ability to link articles to an ORCID. The tool…
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August 05, 2013 ARL has published Research Data Management Services, SPEC Kit 334, which surveys ARL member libraries on their…
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Amsterdam, July 25, 2013 Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, and the Dryad…
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The Research Data Curation Bibliography includes selected English-language articles, books, and technical reports that are useful in understanding the curation…
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Camden, July 8, 2013 Elsevier, a world-leading publisher of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, announced its implementation…
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About Launching in Spring 2014, and open for submissions in Autumn 2013, Scientific Data is a new open-access, online-only publication…
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... The registry allows the easy identification of appropriate research data repositories, both for data producers and users. The…
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Project Scope The America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 (ACRA; Public Law 111-358), calls for coordination of Federal science agency…
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Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, medical and technical products and services, announces the launch of the Genomics Data app…
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Workshop finds that data sharing should be rewarded and universities and funders have an important role to play in this…
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The University of Chicago launched the first secure cloud-based computing system that enables researchers to access and analyze human genomic…
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Dryad will begin charging submission fees on the 1st of September 2013. Dryad is a nonprofit organization that provides long-term…
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Les missions de BBEES La création de l’UMS 3468 « Bases de données Biodiversité, Ecologie, Environnements Sociétés (BBEES) », souhaitée…
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Objectifs du réseau 1- Fédérer les agents dont les missions sont liées aux bases de données en mettant en place…
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Press Release from Nature Publishing Group 4 April 2013 Nature Publishing Group (NPG) today is pleased to announce the Spring…
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Executive summary Scientific research revolves around the production, analysis, storage, management, and re-use of data. Data sharing offers important benefits…
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Workshop: 'Making Data Count: Research data availability and research assessment' The aim of the workshop is to bring experts and…
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By Greg Tananbaum SPARC Consultant March 20, 2013 Today, SPARC released a new community resource for research funders entitled, “Implementing…
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Digital Scholarship has released the Digital Curation Bibliography: Preservation and Stewardship of Scholarly Works, 2012 Supplement. It presents over 130…
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What is MERIL? The MERIL portal gives access to an inventory of the most excellent research infrastructures (RIs) of 'more-than-national'…
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EFSA [The European Food Safety Authority] is today announcing the launch of a major initiative designed to facilitate access to…
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Digital Scholarship has released version 2 of the Research Data Curation Bibliography. This selective bibliography includes over 200 English-language articles…
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About Cases Database Documenting a patient's case history to inform physicians how the patient has been evaluated and the subsequent…
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BioMed Central the open access publisher today announced the launch of a valuable new medical resource, Cases Database. Cases Database…
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Abstract ... This paper describes a pilot study at EASY - the electronic archive for (open) research data at our…
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Un compte rendu de différentes communications présentées à la première conférence EUDAT est accessible en pièce jointe. Il met l'accent…
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... To discuss the issues surrounding data donation, publication and use in the plant sciences, GARNet (UK Arabidopsis Research Network)…
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The IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading provider of intelligent information for businesses and professionals, today…
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The slides that were presented in the Global Data Meeting (1-3 October, 2012) are now available. Among them, three review…
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Le ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche publie un rapport dans lequel est décrit la stratégie nationale de…
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Most of the slides that were presented in the 1st EUDAT Conference are now available on the EUDAT website. Plenary…
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Les interventions de la journée-atelier du 29 mai 2012 sur le thème : « Données de la Recherche : enjeux,…
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Début octobre, la France a officiellement soumis le projet Dariah - Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities, à la…
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Five major research centres have expanded their commitment to make data more accessible through the British Library’s DataCite service, a…
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The Intellectual Property & Science business of Thomson Reuters, the world’s leading provider of intelligent information for businesses and professionals,…
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About us figshare allows researchers to publish all of their research outputs in seconds in an easily citable, sharable and…
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About / Imprint The information system PANGAEA is operated as an Open Access library aimed at archiving, publishing and distributing…
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About These Recommended Practices (Part A excerpts) This project began with an informal survey conducted by Sasha Schwarzman of the…
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eagle-i is a free application that makes it easy to discover resources at a growing network of universities; more than…
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Ex Libris® Group, a world leader in the provision of library technology solutions, is pleased to announce that it has…
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Research Trends is proud to present this Special Issue on the topic of Big Data. Big Data refers to various…
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We [Biomed Central] propose to change the copyright license in open access journals to make published data available for sharing,…
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About this site What is this? The DH Curation Guide is a compilation of articles that address aspects of data…
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1. Executive Summary Digital curation involves a wide range of activities, many of which may be suitable for deployment within…
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About ICPSR An international consortium of about 700 academic institutions and research organizations, ICPSR provides leadership and training in data…
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As the number of digital objects such as datasets and research papers increase, so does the complexity of the web…
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The Data Pub blog is a product of the California Digital Library, a division of the University of California Office…
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UC3 helps researchers and the UC libraries manage, preserve, and provide access to their important digital assets. About UC3 UC3…
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- The role of libraries in curation and preservation of research data in Germany: findings of a survey Translations: [Français]…
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1.Offer research data management support, including data management plans for grant applications, intellectual property rights ad-vice and information materials. Assist…
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About this site: Geospatial data, including satellite images, digital maps, and other kinds of geospatial information in digital form represent…
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Abstract • Premise of the study: Bio-ontologies are essential tools for accessing and analyzing the rapidly growing pool of plant…
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ABSTRACT In scientific research, integration and synthesis require a common understanding of where data come from, how much they can…
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Scientific advances in the 21st century require more rapid innovation to keep pace with the growing problems facing modern society.…
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Le SLDR est un service gratuit de qualité certifiée (Trusted Data Repository) permettant aux laboratoires et aux chercheurs indépendants de…
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In June 2012, DataCite and the International Association of STM Publishers (STM) issued a joint statement on the Linkability and…
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Digital Scholarship has released the Digital Curation Resource Guide. This resource guide presents over 200 selected English-language websites and documents…
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About Introduction The Open Knowledge Definition (OKD) provides an answer to the question: what is open knowledge? It puts forward,…
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DAF: Executive Summary & Strategic Recommendations 1. Context This report provides the initial findings of the research data management survey…
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About ... The goal of is to create a global registry of research data repositories. The registry will cover…
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Databib is a collaborative, annotated bibliography of primary research data repositories developed with support from the Institute of Museum and…
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The second in a series of JISC-funded workshops, designed to support good data citation practices among the UK research community,…
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This report analyses the impact of new and emerging technologies that are transforming the conduct and communication of research. The…
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The ORCID Registry will go live in October, 2012. At that time, individuals may register for a persistent ORCID ID…
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The European Commission is organising a consultation for preparing future EU activities for integrating and opening national research infrastructures. The…
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GigaScience, an innovative new journal handling 'big-data' from the entire spectrum of life sciences, has now been launched by BGI,…
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... 2.61 Greater access to public data through is an essential part of our strategy for making the most…
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Introduction The 3rd ASIS&T RDAP Summit was held in New Orleans, March 22-23, 2012. For this special section of the…
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New Rochelle, NY, June 8, 2012 -- In a world where we create over two quintillion bytes of data every…
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The following is a non-exhaustive list of cyberinfastructure components and systems supported wholly or partially by NSF. The list is…
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Philadelphia, PA, June 22, 2012 - The Intellectual Property & Science division of Thomson Reuters announced today that it will…
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... Researchers wish to have safe and trustworthy repositories for the preservation of their underlying research data. For findability, citability…
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Abstract ... The BioProject database was recently established to facilitate organization and classification of project data submitted to NCBI, EBI…
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La journée du 29 mai a été l'occasion pour des personnes d'horizons différents de se rencontrer : chercheurs et professionnels…
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... L'enjeu du Web de données L'enjeu est maintenant celui du Web de données (Web of data). Approfondissement et complexification…
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Abstract We have conducted a study on the long-term availability of bioinformatics Web services: an observation of 927 Web services…
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The tools and services in this catalogue were created to address the myriad challenges facing those who engage with data.…
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WebCite®, which used to be a member of member of the International Internet Preservation Consortium, is an on-demand archiving system…
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Data Curation & Preservation Sessions Session #2: Data Publication, Data Sharing and Linking Provenance metadata Arnold Rots pdf Data Curation…
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About IVOA The International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) was formed in June 2002 with a mission to `facilitate the international…
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This page provides links to presentations given by projects tasked to explore the challenges of designing and implementing data management…
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DevCSI worked with the JISC Managing Research Data Programme and the JISC Orbital Project to organise a Managing Research Data…
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What is ORCID? ... ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-driven effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher…
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Abstract INTRODUCTION Data citation should be a necessary corollary of data publication and reuse. Many researchers are reluctant to share…
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Executive Summary Background The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) evaluates the quality and impact of its research and data…
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What is DataCite? We are a not-for-profit organisation formed in London on 1 December 2009. Our aim is to: -…
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Abstract Research is increasingly collaborative and global in nature, and efforts to manage the vast amounts of research data generated…
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About ANDS (excerpts) We live in an era where huge volumes of research data are being generated by scientists and…
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Research Data Australia is a mesh of searchable web pages describing (and where possible linking to) Australian research data collections.…
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Créé en 2005 par le CNRS, le CNRTL fédère au sein d’un portail unique, un ensemble de ressources linguistiques informatisées…
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Managing Research Data Infrastructures for Big Science (MaRDI-Gross project) The MaRDI-Gross project is funded by JISC to support big-science projects…
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Preamble: A Vision for Open Science in the 21st century (excerpts) Data are the bedrock on which the scientific edifice…
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Knowledge Exchange in brief Knowledge Exchange is founded on an agreement between four partner organisations, to collaborate for a period…
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Summary On 13 and 14 March Knowledge Exchange organised a summit on digital author identifiers. It was well attended by…
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L’objectif d’Orphanet, le portail des maladies rares et des médicaments orphelins, est de fournir de l’information sur les maladies rares…
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The Research Data Curation Bibliography includes selected English-language articles and technical reports that are useful in understanding the curation of…
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NSF at a Glance The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 `to…
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Big Data is hot, hot, hot! Companies such as Google, IBM, Oracle, Netflix, Amazon, Facebook, and Microsoft are only a…
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As part of our commitment to reproducible research and transparency, BioMed Central has partnered with LabArchives to work together for…
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Le texte ci-dessous est la traduction de l'«executive summary» du rapport « Studies on Subject-Specific Requirements for Open Access Infrastructure…
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National Science Foundation (NSF) Director Subra Suresh today outlined efforts to build on NSF's legacy in supporting the fundamental science…
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«Here are highlights of ongoing Federal programs that address the challenges of, and tap the opportunities afforded by, the big…
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Aiming to make the most of the fast-growing volume of digital data, the Obama Administration today announced a “Big Data…
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A new structural biology research infrastructure has just been launched, most likely meaning more breakthroughs in biomedical science are just…
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Extraits de la page «Document d'information» Le Groupe de travail sur la stratégie des données de recherche est le fruit…
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The EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute has launched the Enzyme Portal, a new resource for people who are interested in the biology…
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The Data Science Journal is a Journal of the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) of the International…
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The Journal of eScience Librarianship is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that advances the theory and practice of librarianship with…
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3 Jan 2012 - At the California Digital Library we have included provision for content mining in our model license…
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Executive Summary (excerpts) RLUK, Research Libraries UK is a long-­‐established consortium of the top research-­‐led institutions in the UK and…
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... This paper reports on a qualitative study of cyberinfrastructure development in the emerging field of metagenomics to illustrate some…
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Lancée officiellement le 8 février, la Très Grande Infrastructure de Recherche RESIF (Réseau sismologique et géodésique français) a pour but…
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Our supporting data information for authors and editors has been updated to provide even more information on best practice for…
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1. Executive Summary 1.1 This document is a summary of the responses the Cabinet Office received to its public consultation,…
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En mai 2011, le rapport Hargreaves préconisait, dans ses recommandations pour réformer le droit de la propriété intellectuelle au Royaume-Uni,…
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Biocenter Finland is an umbrella organisation of biocenters in six Finnish Universities (Helsinki, Kuopio, Oulu, Tampere and Turku, and the…
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Johanna Myllyharju, Professor of Molecular Biology at the University of Oulu, offers a Finnish viewpoint of research infrastructures at local,…
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... Recognizing that the proliferation of digital research data has significant policy implications, the National Science Board (Board) Committee on…
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Background The widespread reluctance to share published research data is often hypothesized to be due to the authors' fear that…
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Executive summary Scope The Riding the Wave report calls for a collaborative data infrastructure that will enable researchers and other…
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Open data needs open formats like XML to be stored and exchanged and in that sense having a neutral standardization…
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Le site des bases de données des laboratoires de l’institut écologie et environnement (INEE) du CNRS est un répertoire, réactualisé…
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Abstract Background There is increasing interest to make primary data from published research publicly available. We aimed to assess the…
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The goal of SIGS is to serve as an open-access, standards-supportive publication for rapid dissemination of concise genome and metagenome…
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The study aimed to demonstrate the importance, relevance and benefits of effective sharing and curation of research data for the…
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ISO/IEC JTC1 SC32 WG2 is the Working Group that develops international standards for metadata and related technologies (see Organization Chart).
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The International Society for Biocuration (ISB) is a non-profit organisation for biocurators, developers, and researchers with an interest in biocuration.…
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The exponential growth in the amount of biological data means that revolutionary measures are needed for data management, analysis and…
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Classics is a complicated and interdisciplinary field with a wide-ranging group of subdisciplines and a seemingly endless variety of technical…
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On 17th June BioMed Central held a Publishing Open Data Working Group meeting, proposed in the spring, in London, UK.…
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The UK Data Archive is curator of the largest collection of digital data in the social sciences and humanities in…
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Dryad is an international repository of data underlying peer-reviewed articles in the basic and applied biosciences. Dryad enables scientists to…
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The OpenAIRE «Studies on Subject-Specific Requirements for Open Access Infrastructures» highlight the subject-specific requirements to get an in-depth understanding of…
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The mission of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advisory Committee on Cyberinfrastructure (ACCI) is to advise the NSF as a…
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«The High-Level Group on Scientific Data presented today their final report to Neelie Kroes, European Commission Vice-President for the Digital…
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The DCC SCARP project investigated attitudes and approaches to data deposit, sharing and reuse, curation and preservation over a range…
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This DCC SCARP case study examines approaches to data deposit, sharing and reuse in engineering research fields within the UK…
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The Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) is a not-for-profit organization founded in 2004 and dedicated to promoting open knowledge in all…
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JISC is the UK’s expert on information and digital technologies for education and research. JISC - Strategic themes - JISC…
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The Digital Curation Centre is the UK’s leading hub of expertise in curating digital research data. Anyone who can benefit…
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Data Observation Network for Earth (DataONE) is poised to be the foundation of new innovative environmental science through a distributed…
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BioSharing works at the global level to build stable linkages in particular between journals, funders, implementing data sharing policies, and…
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Data Information Specialists Committee - United Kingdom is a forum for data professionals working in UK Higher Education who specialise…
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Le CNRS a réalisé en 2010 une enquête pour répertorier les grandes bases, y compris celles contenant des données de…
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This list is a working document, initated via a collaboration between the British Library, BioMed Central and the Digital Curation…
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This DCC SCARP case study highlights choice in how to provide for appropriate care of digital objects, choice in digital…
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This DCC SCARP case study reviews the curation landscape in several interdisciplinary fields that use video analysis in studies of…
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This DCC SCARP case study scopes and assesses the data curation aspects of the Edinburgh Mouse Atlas Project (EMAP), a…
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This DCC SCARP case study looks at the data curation lifecycle in Telehealth research. Telehealth, or telecare, is an emerging…
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This DCC SCARP engaged with a number of archives, including the British Atmospheric Data Centre, the World Data Centre Archive…
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Abstract Many initiatives encourage investigators to share their raw datasets in hopes of increasing research efficiency and quality. Despite these…
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The International Journal of Digital Curation is entirely devoted to papers, articles and news items on curation of digital objects…
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Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation, a world-leader in molecular intelligence research, announced a major expansion in its KiNET DataBank ( for the…
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“...The project's overall aim was to contribute to new models, workflows and tools for academic data sharing within a complex…
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This paper is designed to encourage, inform and ultimately summarise the discussions around the appropriate strategic and technical descriptions of…
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This DCC SCARP case study involved the Neuroimaging Group in University of Edinburgh's Division of Psychiatry. It combined an assessment…
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