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Données de la Recherche

Research Data Management Training (MANTRA)

Publié le 09 janvier 2013 par Thérèse Hameau

Research Data MANTRA is a course designed for PhD students
and others who are planning a research project using digital data.

The course content is mainly geared for three disciplines: geosciences, social and political sciences and clinical psychology, however, many of the issues covered apply equally to all research disciplines.

There are eight units and four data handling practicals in the course where the following topics and software are covered:
– Research data explained
– Data management plans
– Organising data
– File formats and transformation
– Documentation and metadata
– Storage and security
– Data protection, rights and access
– Preservation, sharing and licensing (in development)
– Software practicals: SPSS, NVivo, R, ArcGIS

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