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ORCID DE – Promotion of the Open Researcher and Contributor ID in Germany

Publié le 16 mars 2016 par Thérèse Hameau

“ORCID DE – Promotion of the Open Researcher and Contributor ID in Germany” is a three-year project, launched in February 2016 with funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG), to support ORCID adoption in Germany.

With more than 230 integrations in researcher systems and databases already in place, DFG obviously believes that ORCID has great potential to help standardize and connect information that is currently scattered across those systems and databases, thus allowing an overview of the research output of each researcher. They also recognize that, as an open and increasingly widely adopted identifier for researchers, ORCID is fast becoming accepted and used in academic everyday academic life.

The goal of the ORCID DE project is to support German universities and research institutions that are considering implementing ORCID to do so in a coordinated and sustainable approach, and the project will address organizational, technical, and legal issues alike…

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