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Do-It-Yourself Research Data Management Training Kit for Librarians

Publié le 11 septembre 2013 par Thérèse Hameau

Provided by EDINA and Data Library, University of Edinburgh
in association with the UK Data Archive, Digital Curation Centre (DCC), and Distributed Data Curation Center at the Purdue University Libraries


During autumn and winter 2012-13, data librarians at the University of Edinburgh (Robin Rice and Anne Donnelly) led a pilot course for four University liaison librarians on Research Data Management (RDM) covering five topics involving reading assigments from the MANTRA course, reflective writing, and 2-hour face-to-face training sessions, including group exercises from the UK Data Archive. The course was deemed successful by participants and Information Services managers, and another round of training with another small group is about to begin (facilitated by Stuart Macdonald and Anne Donnelly). Meanwhile the first group is in the process of pursuing their independent studies – interviews with researchers resulting in new public Data Curation Profiles.

Here we share our training for small groups of librarians anywhere who wish to gain confidence and understanding of research data management. The DIY Training Kit is designed to contain everything needed to complete a similar training course on your own (in small groups) and is based on open educational materials.

Users are welcome to apply their own creativity to reshape the course as they wish. For example, there are an abundance of group exercises available from the UKDA training resources pack, many of which are not included here. However, we acknowledge that the time commitment required for professional development activity such as this is significant for busy professionals, and many will appreciate the ‘out-of-the-box’ readiness of the training as we provide in the kit.

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